The heart of the community gives life



Show, don’t tell.

We were given a simple brief, to bring the CHF to life. They were looking for a way to showcase a compelling, emotive and authentic story that reflected the impact each and every one of us could make through donations and support toward better care in health.


Bringing the brand to life.

Following a series of creative workshops with a targeted co-design approach, creativeXpeople worked to identify opportunities to strengthen the CHF brand, uncovering their values, personality and core essence. Through this process, combined with storyboarding and creative exploration, the ‘Life Giving’ brand was born.

To share this story and engage the community to make an impact, we directed and produced a promotional commercial that reflected the essence of CHF. The video follows the organisation’s story through a dancer who, with subtle touches, brings a flourish of life and colours to the halls of the Canberra Hospital and the people within.

To accompany the commercial, additional print and digital collateral was developed, with bespoke photography and 3D rendered elements applied.

The ‘Life Giving’ brand offered CHF a clear and compelling story. It provided longevity to continue to inspire the community to change lives for the better.