Unlocking the promise of tomorrow



Develop and action an ongoing communication strategy to place Africa on the map.

The Digital Earth Africa program required ongoing communication support to highlight the significant impact of this world-first initiative.

We developed an ongoing program of strategic communication and supportive visual branding to engage stakeholders and the broader global industry to influence, inspire and make change.

Image of a connective graph of data showcasing various satellite imagery across Africa
Text displaying Digital Earth Africa's tagline, 'Unlocking the promise of tomorrow from patterns of the past'.


Strategically communicating to push positive influence.

Working closely with a cross-continental leadership team, creativeXpeople established a multi-year communication strategy that included a visual brand refresh and mission-focused style guide. With ongoing communication support, including advisory services, content creation and media liaising, we redefined Digital Earth Africa from its data-centric origins, to become an emotionally-driven narrative that holds international influence and visibility.

Through managing Digital Earth Africa’s website, social media and press, our approach translated complex technical concepts into accessible and engaging multimedia content.

Digital Earth Africa’s audiences are continuing to grow across multiple platforms, having recently seen a substantial growth in less than six months of 46% on LinkedIn; a 26% higher share-rate on Twitter; a rise in page visitations by over 60%; and a feature on the BBC for their sustainable influence toward Africa’s climate.

The program has experienced significant reputational uplift as a result of the strategic, consistent and high-quality communication.

Digital Earth Africa was awarded a Gold Muse Creative Award for its communication and marketing.

Muse Creative Award — Communications and Marketing Campaign