United with Ukraine in 24 hours



Developing a symbol of unity.

Australia was about to send over our next fleet of Bushmasters and aid to support the Ukrainian people and the war effort. We were honoured that it was us who got the call, of an evening on the weekend to support the crafting of a symbol of unity. The trick? It needed to be easy enough to be deployed anywhere, by anyone, either stencil, paint, or sticker, easy to understand, send a clear message - and get senior approval within a few hours. So we got to work.


Pulling from the past to inform the future of defence.

Knowing the importance of this, and the need to make rapid decisions. We knew more options were better. The concepts we created leveraged key military and historic icons to create several recognisable designs. We began with the nations flag and symbols (the Australian crest and Ukraine tryzub), exploring a few executions of them working together or being interwoven with one another, flag next to flag, crest mixing with crest, a combination of national identities to best show connection between Australia and Ukraine. 

Following this we then explored a few versions of the kangaroo, using the boxing kangaroo, the crest kangaroo and of course, introduced the Australian kangaroo which has strong roots in foreign aid just as it does with our Defence forces. All the designs presented lean on aid, the focus on peace and trust between nations.

Within 24 hours, we had our approved imagery on Bushmasters in the Ukraine. Designed to be simple to cut out if neccessary and sprayed on, or applied as decals. They were made to be understood whether you could read the message or just recognise the symbology and send a clear message from our troops to theirs, and the people of the Ukraine. We are united with Ukraine.