Building the Army of tomorrow, now



Implementing a vision.

Future Ready Workforce is the transformation of the Army People Capability System to generate an agile land force to fight future threats. creativeXpeople were engaged to implement a future vision by facilitating effective planning, reporting, monitoring and control of the portfolio and its lines of effort and trials.  

Our strategic communication and behavioural change approach aimed to increase awareness and spark change.

Three soldiers in various states of motion travelling through a glowing chevron and transforming from solid mass into code and data
Panelled text displaying 'More people, for more teams, more missions, more often'.


Making a way forward for impact.

creativeXpeople worked closely with Army to create a bespoke and uniquely identifiable brand that harnessed the story of the Future Ready Workforce. Recognising the need to stand out in the Defence network, this identity used impactful imagery with strategically targeted application. 

Through workshops, stakeholder engagement and ideation sessions, we developed a key value proposition that underlined the true intent of the Future Ready Workforce. A suite of key visuals was developed, featuring composites of diverse hero talents transitioning through a forward-leading chevron to become Future Ready.  

Key messaging was tested and developed to highlight the current and future state of the program and its continuous mission of ‘Building the Army of Tomorrow, Now.’ 

To support brand implementation, in-depth brand strategy and guidelines with supportive communication assets were developed across both print and digital platforms. These were designed to adapt to the ever-evolving nature of Defence as well sustain its effectiveness and relation to Army. 

The project extended on to the implementation of behavioural structures, including change training and coaching of stakeholders, development of a portfolio management office to coordinate dependencies, sponsorship coaching and roadmap development, and the embedding of the Total Workforce System into Army as an ongoing project.