Making the invisible, visible.



Carving out a distinct path to support the Individual Measurement of Multidimensional Poverty.

This direction needed to help ANU secure global funding to enable groups, governments and international organisations to develop programs and policies to eradicate poverty, as well as translate its complex research from 15 variable data sources and dimensions. As an additional challenge, the work had to be brought to life without a distinct brand mark.

Image of a red and navy bar graph displaying images of various states and levels of poverty.
Text displaying IMMP's tagline, 'Making the invisible, visible'.


Creating a brand with people at its core.

Creating an identity without a brand was a challenge but cXp were able to bring the IMMP to life through showcasing their value and essence. 

At the core of everything the IMMP does is making the invisible, visible. As something they naturally do and say, this became the lens through which their new identity was found. By combining data with duo-toned photography, we created dynamic and adaptable visuals that toed the line of both informative and beautiful.

Following the completion of the brand, we worked collaboratively with ANU to launch their public facing micro-site, along with a full suite of print and digital assets.